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We believe that performance is the true driver of progress. And when performance is combined with fun, the most beautiful things arise...

With this in mind, as of June 2023 we've become the main sponsor of our own speed skating team! Team The Brandwagon is a group of 5 young talents who work their asses off, day in day out. Enthusiasts who live and give everything for their sport, led by Paul de Haan, ex-skater and renowned trainer for many years.

The teams philosophy
Positivity and fun are the preconditions. These are used stimulate and motivate each other to the bone, to push each other's limits and to cross them without any mercy. All with the aim of getting the most out of themselves.

What to expect?
In all honesty: for these young atletes, the chances of an Olympic medal, a medal at the World Cup or even a national title are slim to none. But trying and believing never hurt anyone, right? Let's see what the future holds. Cheers to a wonderful season. 'Ready... Set... GO!'

Launch video

The full story
Would you like to know more about the establishment of this passionate team? You can read all the details of Team The Brandwagon in the next article (in Dutch):
Link: 'TTBW: An adventure of Fun'

Current updates
Would you like to be kept informed about the daily course of events? Where and how the team completes its training sessions, how they approach the competitions, what successes they achieve? Follow the team on Instagram and don't miss out on anything!
Link: TTBW Instagram

Questions? Call +316 44 681 632 or send an e-mail to

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