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Employers have a great responsibility when it comes to the safety of their employees. Not only in the workplace, but also on the road...

Business travel can be safer, smarter and more sustainable. Therefore, Provincie Drenthe approaches local employers to become ambassadors of MONO-Zakelijk. By doing so, the province helps organizations on their way in developing a conscious mobility policy for their employees.



The campaign film is designed to open the eyes of business owners with a clear message. Seen the video? Then the entrance for an introductory conversation has been created.

Video brochure

To properly inform employers, we developed an effective video brochure, including 3 video items:

1: An introduction video on behalf of the province of Drenthe
2: The campaign film (see above)
3: An informative explainer film about the ambassadorship

Set photography

As always, we took the opportunity during the film shoots to also directly provide set photography. The photos below are scenes from production 3 of the video brochure, the infomercial:

More photographs

And of course, we also took photos during the shooting of the campaign film. See here:

Reisgenoot Provincie Drenthe
Productie - Introfilm
- Uitlegfilm
- Campagnefilm
- Videobrochure
- Fotografie
Doelstelling Ambassadeurs werven
Datum Maart 2024

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